No Solicitation in North Oaks

No Soliciting

Reminder: The City of North Oaks does NOT issue solicitor permits under any circumstance. This is trespassing on privately owned roads.

All North Oaks roads are marked "No Trespassing" as residents own to the center of the roads. Only invited guests are allowed access to North Oaks roads and community owned spaces. If residents encounter a door-to-door solicitor, contact the non-emergency Ramsey County Sheriff number at 651-291-1111 to report trespassing. Can’t find that #? call 911.

Don’t assume your neighbor has called it in. Have all the details: description, clothing, direction of travel / mode of travel. These solicitors are smooth talkers-and may tell you they have a permit. Report it! No one wants to be harassed…think about our elder neighbors who are going to get pressured next.