Speed Reduced to 20 MPH in Rapp Farm Development Effective 2/1/2022

Speed Limit reduced

In December 2021, the City of North Oaks discussed speed limits and safety concerns brought forth by residents within the Rapp Farm Development.

In August 2019, State Statutes changed authorizing cities to be the local road authority on their own City streets, therefore it was determined streets fall under City of North Oaks jurisdiction.  Speed limit changes are to be based on safety, engineering and traffic analysis.  An engineering review was performed and it was determined a speed reduction from 30 MPH to 20 MPH on streets within the Rapp Farm Development is a reasonable approach to help reduce conflicts, the likelihood of being in a crash and the severity of crashes that do occur. 

Therefore, the City Council will reduce the speed limit to 20 MPH within the Rapp Farm Development effective 2-1-2022.