City Hall and NOHOA: What's the difference?

City Hall is responsible for police, fire, permits, licenses, septic, recycling, road safety (signs and striping), deer management, and City ordinances. The City Administrator and City Staff prepare meeting materials and execute decisions made by City Council, Planning Commission, and Natural Resource Commission. City Hall also works with City contractors and external partners such as: City Engineer, City Planner, Building and Septic Officials, City Forester, North Oaks Company, Nine North, Vadnais Lake Area Water Management Organization (VLAWMO), and various community groups.  City Hall 651-792-7750 or

The North Oaks Home Owners’ Association (NOHOA) is responsible for roads, snowplowing, culvert repair, trails and maintenance, parks and recreation, recreational programming, vehicle stickers, yearly dues, and the Architectural Supervisory Committee (ASC).  NOHOA daily activities are managed by Rowcal Property Management Company - 651-233-1307 or